Penn State Penn State: College of the Liberal Arts

The McCourtney Institute for Democracy

The McCourtney Institutefor Democracy

American instituions? 1 in 5 say “let them burn”

American instituions? 1 in 5 say “let them burn”

Nearly one-third of those in Generation Z agree with the statement “When I think about our political and social institutions, I cannot help thinking ‘just let them all burn.’” (Technically Generation Z starts at age 12, but this survey of adult Americans includes older members of the generation, aged 18 to 27). This compares to only 13% of Baby Boomers.

“The data show that the more affluent— those with annual incomes over $100,000 — those with human capital that helps people be resilient in a changing economy — having earned a four-year college degree — and those who are dependent on government for Social Security and Medicare — Baby Boomers — reject this idea most strongly,” observed poll director and Penn State professor Eric Plutzer.

He went on to say: “Boomers and the economically secure may not think the country is on the right track, but they don’t feel that a radical rebuild is needed. They have a lot at stake. A vested interest in incremental change and stability. Those who are more precarious and have less-certain futures in a changing economy may see institutions failing them.”

Among racial and ethnic groups, Hispanic Americans stand out with nearly 3 in 10 agreeing with the statement “When I think about our political and social institutions, I cannot help thinking ‘just let them all burn.’” About 2 in 10 of the other racial and ethnic groups represented in this survey (white, Black and “other”) agreed with the statement.

While similar proportions of men and women agreed with the statement (22% and 19%, respectively), more than twice as many men than women “strongly” agreed (7% and 3%, respectively).

The size of this survey is not able to scientifically represent a wide variety of religious beliefs, but it can represent Americans who identify as born-again Christians (about one-quarter of adults according to Pew Research Center). A comparison of the responses of born-again Christians with others does not reveal a religiously-related difference of opinions on this question. Similar proportions of both groups agree with the statement about burning down political and social institutions.

Read the full report from APM Research Lab