Penn State Penn State: College of the Liberal Arts

The McCourtney Institute for Democracy


The McCourtney Institute for Democracy provides up to $5,000 toward the cost of hosting a Nevins Fellow for a summer internship. Our students come to their internship sites well prepared and ready to get to work.

Nevins Fellows have interned at the following organizations, just to name a few:

  • Everyday Democracy
  • Millennial Action Project
  • Public Agenda
  • Unite America

Much like students apply for the fellowship, organizations apply to host a fellow. Nonprofits, government organizations, nonprofit media organizations, or other groups committed to building and sustaining democracy can complete the form below to host a fellow.

Students selected to participate in the program rank their top three organizations, and placements are made from there. Summer 2024 placements will be finalized April 1.

If your organization would like to host a fellow this summer, please submit the following application by February 14: