Penn State Penn State: College of the Liberal Arts

The McCourtney Institute for Democracy

Penn State Deliberates

Penn State Deliberates

A student-run interview series from the Center for Democratic Deliberation

The goal of this series is to create a living portrait of how members of the Penn State community engage in democratic deliberation. Center for Democratic Deliberation intern Billi Maynard will be sitting down with students, faculty, and alumni to discuss their deliberative experiences and capture how those experiences are contextualized in the democratic sphere. 

About Billi Maynard

Billi Maynard HeadshotI am currently a pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree in both Political Science and Communication Arts and Sciences and a member of the Schreyer Honors College. I have strong ties to community activism as well as public engagement and deliberative democracy. In the future, I plan to continue my education through law and public policy. 

As part of the Nevins Fellows program, had the opportunity to intern at the Brooklyn based Non Profit, Public Agenda, as a member of their public deliberation team. Throughout my time at Penn State, I have also dedicated most my time to THON as a member of the Trilogy organization and as a committee member on both the communications and dancer relations teams.

Penn State Deliberates 2018-19

Former CDD interns Nicholas Griffin and Ryan Insley conducted a series of interviews during the 2018-2019 school year.